Monday, November 2, 2009

We've come so far

I have so much respect for all of the soldiers who served our country in the past and their loved ones. As the woman waiting at home, I can't imagine the relief and reassurance that came along with a letter written by their loved one fighting a war in a foreign country.

When Phil first left for Kuwait and a few weeks later to Iraq, a phone call once a day was more than I could have ever hoped for. Saturday Skype dates was a dream come true... but now that we get to see each other every night on Skype... it's unbelieveable. Not only am I able to fall asleep to his voice every night, but he is the last thing I see before I close my eyes. It's the greatest feeling knowing that he's safe and is smiling at me. I know I will never take for granted having the technology that we do to be able to stay close while he is away serving his country.
I'm so proud of you Philip McDowell.

Skype.Facebook.Email at home and work.Cell phones.Telephones.Hand written letters.Video messages. Journals. We've got it covered!

A few videos I made for Phil when he first left...

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